National Black Rodeo Finals Weekend
NOVEMBER 17-19, 2023
For over 30 years, the Real Cowboy Association has been committed to bringing exciting family rodeo and entertainment to the masses. The Real Cowboy Association (RCA) rodeo is recognized as an educational, cultural, and historical icon. It is dedicated to community involvement through diversified family entertainment. RCA rodeos showcase the role of the African American cowboys' and cowgirls' Western Heritage. RCA rodeos are filled with fun and excitement for the entire family. RCA rodeo season consists of rodeos in the southern region per year, with over 100,000 loyal rodeo fans across the states of Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi. RCA rodeo season will begin in the summer through November. RCA ends the rodeo tour in the state of Louisiana with the National Black Rodeo Finals. RCA has accomplished an event sell out for 15+ years.


Ladies’ Barrel Racing
A rodeo event where a beautiful cowgirl mounted upon a beautiful horse team up to run around 3 barrels set up in a cloverleaf pattern. The rider can choose to go either to the left or right barrel first but must do so without knocking a barrel down.
Jr Barrel Racing
Same as the Ladies’ Barrel Racing but features competitors the age of 15 years and younger.
Jr Breakaway
Is an event that consists of either a boy or girl the age of 15 or younger mounted upon a horse and a calf. Similar to Calf Roping, the goal is for the rider to catch the calf by throwing a loop of rope from a lariat tied to the saddle horn around its neck. Once caught, the rope will break away from the saddle horn and the judge will drop the flag. This will signify for the time to stop. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Ladies’ Steer Undecorating
Very similar to Steer Wrestling but is an all-Ladies’ event by which they do not dismount the horse. The Ladies’ are mounted upon fast horses that run at high speeds alongside a steer with a piece of tape affixed to its back. The object is for the lady to reach down and pull this piece of tape from the steers back and raise it high above their head. At that time the flag drops signifying for the time to stop. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
Steer Wrestling
Steer wrestling, also known as bulldogging, is a rodeo event in which a horse-mounted rider chases a steer at a high speed, dismounts from the horse onto the steer, then wrestles the steer to the ground by grabbing its horns and pulling it off-balance so that it falls to the ground. This is a team event as there is also another horse-mounted rider whose job is to align/haze the steer to give the Steer Wrestler the perfect opportunity to complete their task. This event was created by an African American by the name of Bill Pickett. The competitor with the shortest time will win the event.
*OTHER EVENTS: Old Timers Breakaway, Calf Roping, Pony Express, Bull Riding and Team Roping
Friday, November 17, 2023
Arrive in New Orleans. Check Into Loew's Hotel
Free Day
Saturday, November 18, 2023
R/T Transportation to Bossier, LA from hotel to National Black Rodeo Finals. Breakfast and snacks included
Ticket to Finals
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Free Day
Return Home
** Additional night available at Loew's for an additional cost. (Price Varies)

Based on Double Occupancy
$750.00 PP for Single Occupancy
(2) Nights at Loew's Hotel New Orleans
R/T Transportation to/from Hotel to National Black Rodeo Finals
Tickets to Rodeo Finals
(2) Breakfasts
$100.00 - Non Refundable Deposit
Due at time of Booking
$250.00 - Due September15, 2023
$250.00 - Due October 31, 2023